when pottery and I became friends

Moving across the country to a new town can be challenging and kind of exciting. You find yourself saying YES to almost anything. YES to the Ink Rally put on by Emerge, CdA. YES to the woman asking me and my mother-in-law if we wanted to sign up for her beginner pottery class. YES to every Tuesday night learning a medium I had never tried before. YES to meeting new friends that I love seeing around town to this day and being friends with my instructor/mentor, KC.

My first throw was a success. I made a bowl! I surprised myself.

My second class…not a success. I lost a pot or two while learning to trim. I wasn’t sure this was something I could do.

My third class, I loved every minute. I was in a trance at the wheel. My mother-in-law, who didn’t enjoy the medium, but is a phenomenal painter, said “you are in the zone Sheila, keep it up!”

From then on, I was hooked.

I have loved designing tablescapes since I owned my own table and to now be able to create objects to use in those designs or for others to use, feels like a full circle moment.

You don’t have to move across the country to try something new. You can say YES anytime and make a new friend.

